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Letter to the Membership 2024

August 2024

Are you looking for a Jewish community – a place where you can explore and live YOUR Jewish values? Beth Jacob Synagogue welcomes you!

As we approach the High Holidays, we invite you to become a new member of the Beth Jacob family or renew your membership. Here’s what we appreciate most about our community.

  • Informality. Come as you are: physically, emotionally, spiritually. Everyone is welcome.
  • Community leadership. Since we don’t have a rabbi, our members share the work of leading services, caring for each other, and participating in interfaith activities.
  • Diversity of religious practice. We are probably the only Jewish congregation – anywhere! – with five sets of prayerbooks, representing different strands of Judaism.
  • Diversity of political beliefs. On the topic of Israel, Palestine, and the future of the Middle East, our members hold a wide variety of opinions. From our perspective, this is healthy and inclusive because it’s reflective of the broader Jewish community. 
  • Tikkun Olam. We’ve been active in a variety of social justice efforts: fighting racism and antisemitism, supporting refugees, addressing food insecurity, and many other causes.
  • Programming. Thanks to the brilliant work of our program director, Sarah Villaneuva, we have a full slate of programs touching all aspects of Jewish life and learning.
  • Care committee. Our care committee continues to provide support to members (and others) in need. You’ll find more info here or contact

Religious school update: We are thrilled to have Sarah as principal of our religious school – in partnership with JCOGS – providing weekly in-person education in Montpelier. Sarah offers students a Jewish education in a spirited and enjoyable atmosphere. Hebrew lessons are held via Zoom, combining students from both synagogues.

Thanks to the growth of our religious school, we seek an assistant teacher, which will allow for individualized instruction. Another hire means higher costs – and we need your support. On the enclosed pledge form, you can make an additional contribution to support the religious school. These young families and their children are our legacy – please give as you are able.

Our High Holiday schedule is enclosed. Things you should know:

  • We are excited to welcome back Rabbi Rena Blumenthal to lead services. You can read more about her in the enclosed schedule.
  • If you can’t attend in person, we will also simulcast via YouTube. Registration is required. All information can be found here.

As we enter the new year, we need you. Please renew or begin your membership in Beth Jacob SynagogueNone of this activity – High Holiday services, religious school, programming and mutual aid – happens without you. Here’s how you can help.

  • Join our congregation. As we provide more programs and support, our expenses have also increased. It costs roughly $1,200 per member household to meet our budget – and we recognize that each of us has different financial capacity. Please consider paying 2.5% of your annual income. See the enclosed pledge for or go to If you prefer, you can sign up for automatic monthly payments on our website.

Note: We offer a sliding scale for dues; no one will be turned away. If you’re unclear about your membership status, please ask. People join and renew at different times of the year.

  • Participate! Attend a service, come to an adult education program, join a committee, volunteer, enroll your kids (or grandkids) in our youth programs.
  • Learn more. Sign up for our e-news, or contact a board member to learn what we can offer you.

Thanks for all you do. Beth Jacob is better when you’re involved.

With gratitude from the Beth Jacob board,

Lauren Antler (At-large member and education committee rep) Larry Becker (Vice President) Jessica Ettinger (Treasurer), Rachel Fish (education committee rep), Joyce Kahn, Marsha Kameron (Secretary), Ilene Levitt and Shana Margolin (Ritual Committee Chair)

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785